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The IDEA Study Phase 1, Orchestra Cohort

Internal Informational Statement Email – Suggested Language

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IDEA Study Orch Cohort-Info for Internal Stakeholders
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You can also find this text below.

Suggested Language for Informational Statement for Internal Stakeholders


Participating orchestras are encouraged to notify internal stakeholders – staff, board members, and musicians – of their participation in the IDEA Study prior to the April 11 survey launch.  


Subject Line:  [Organization]’s participation in the IDEA Study


Dear [Name],


I’m writing to let you know that [Organization] is participating in a national study of audience attitudes about inclusion, diversity and equity. While many orchestras and other arts organizations have been working on diversity for years, little is known about the level of audience support for this work. 


A cohort of 28 orchestras has been assembled by the League of American Orchestras to investigate how audiences feel about inclusion, diversity and equity - both generally, and how they feel our organization is doing in each of these areas. All 28 orchestras will deploy the same survey to a sample of their ticket buyers, and everyone will be able to see each other’s results.


Only a random selection of our database of ticket buyers will receive an email requesting their cooperation with the survey.


The survey is designed and fielded by WolfBrown, a national arts research firm, through its Audience Outlook Monitor program.


In light of the sensitivity of the subject matter, it is likely that any of us may get questions or comments about the survey, either positive or negative, shortly after the survey is launched on April 11. Please forward me any questions or comments you receive. To hold ourselves accountable for our work on diversity, we need to measure progress on a number of fronts, and this is one of them.


Before April 11, I encourage you to take a test version of the survey, to familiarize yourself with the lines of questioning.


Please use this link:

[insert test link]


Thank you,





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