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“Coronavirus: Online theatre audiences booming during lockdown” by Georgia Snow.

The number of people in the UK who are watching theatre online is growing as the coronavirus pandemic continues, new research has found, with one in five of those accessing digital arts content during lockdown doing so for the first time.

Nearly 20% of adults are now watching theatre, dance or music performances digitally, a nationwide audience survey has revealed.

The Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre is tracking digital engagement by the UK population over a six-week period, asking people to share details of their film, TV and music consumption as well as encounters with other online content such as streamed performances, e-sports and social media broadcasts.

In addition to notable increases in film and TV engagement ... READ MORE

KEY TAKEAWAY:  UK audience for theater on-line growing with nearly 20% of adults now watching theatre, dance or music performances digitally, with one in five of doing so for the first time.

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