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Post-Event Feedback Survey Cohort

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NOTABLE – Comments you may wish to return to or call out as examples, or that are particularly rich in content.  [Note that you can associate multiple tags with a comment.]


How did you learn about this performance/concert? (other/open)

OTHER (Another organization)

OUTDOOR (Billboard, Transit, Outdoor Ads)

TV (TV commercial, spot)

RESELLER (Ticket broker, discount sites)

EDUCATOR (Teachers, arts faculty)

MARQUEE (Venue signage)

FUNDRAISER (Auction, special event)

CAST-STAFF (Cast member, friend of cast, staff, friend of staff)


Select the three most important reasons why you attended the performance/concert. (other/open)

SUPPORT ORG (to support the organization)

SUPPORT PERSON (to support someone I know)

SUPPORT NEW (to support new work)

NOSTALGIA (to revisit my youth, past memories)

SPECIAL (for a gift, birthday, anniversary, special day)

FUN (to do something fun, be entertained)

FREE (had free or comp tickets)

REVIEW (review sparked curiosity)

SOCIAL (to meet new people)

BIPOC (to see BIPOC artists)

ART (because of love of discipline and/or specific artist)


Which of the following activities, if any, did you do to learn more about the performance/concert prior to arriving?

LISTEN (Listened to a work on program)

RESEARCH (Read books, articles about the work or artists)

WATCH (Watched media e.g. TedTalk or movie related to the work)


Did the [performance/concert give you a new understanding for people who are different from you, or for a culture other than your own? (follow up: Please tell us more about how the production shaped this understanding)


What was most memorable to you about the [performance/concert[?

ARTISTS (mention of specific artists, performers, performances)

INNOVATION (mention of innovation)

PROGRAM (mention of specific pieces, works)

RESPONSE (mention of audience response, energy, excitement)

VENUE (mention of venue features, seating, augmentation)


Was there anything that made your experience at the [performance/concert] particularly satisfying or unsatisfying? (open)

SAT (satisfied comment)

UNSAT (unsatisfied comment)

ACOUSTICS (mention of sound quality, difficulty hearing)

COMFORT (mention of physical discomfort, seats, etc)

PARKING (mention of parking)

CONCESSIONS (mention of food, beverage, concessions)

CROWD (mention of lines, crowding)

TALENT (mention of performance specific issues)

LANGUAGE (mention of foul language)

LENGTH (mention of length of show/program)

COMM (mentions of communications,  information)

FEELING (mention of emotions, feelings)

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