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The IDEA Study Phase 1, CMA Cohort

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Outbound Emails – Suggested Language

Please bookmark this page, as it is not publicly accessible.  

Download a Word Document with suggested language for outbound emails here.

You can also find this text below.

Outbound message 1, requesting cooperation (two samples) 

Timing: September 12, 2023, specific time is at your discretion
Use your own branding and design.
Make certain you use the correct survey hyperlink associated with each of the two samples.


Sender Line: [Organization Name]

Subject Line: Requesting your help with a national survey of audiences 

[we are open to other subject lines that would lead to higher click-through rates]


Dear [FNAME],


Many arts and cultural organizations across the US have made long-term commitments to being more inclusive, more diverse, and more equitable.

Each organization charts its own path down this road based on its unique community, resources, and sense of purpose. Little is known, however, about how audiences feel about this work, and this is why I’m writing you today. 

[Organization] is participating in a national study of arts and culture audiences. The survey explores your general feelings about inclusion, diversity, and equity, and your perceptions of [organization], specifically.  

In asking for your participation in this study, we acknowledge that this subject matter can be sensitive and that there will be a range of opinions. We ask that you answer the questions as candidly as possible. Your responses are both confidential and anonymous.  


The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

The survey’s privacy policy is available here. This is strictly research – no sales or fundraising is involved. 

After completing the survey, you’ll be redirected to a webpage with selected results, so that you might compare your answers with those of other survey takers. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.  

Here’s the link. [embed link] 





P.S. If the above link to the survey is not active, please cut and paste the following link into your browser address line: [insert link]


Outbound message 2, reminder message (two samples)

Timing: September 15, 2023, specific time is at your discretion.
Use your own branding and design.
Make certain you use the correct survey hyperlink associated with each of the two samples. If possible, send reminder messages only to those who didn’t open the first message.


Sender Line: [Organization Name]

Subject Line: Last chance to participate in an important survey


Dear [FNAME],


I contacted you several days ago with a request to take an important survey.   

Would you consider participating? Time is of the essence, as the survey closes on Monday night.


The questions explore your general feelings about inclusion, diversity, and equity, and your perceptions of [organization], specifically.


Your answers would be extremely helpful to us. No sales or fundraising is involved.


Here’s the link. [embed link]






P.S. If the above link to the survey is not active, please cut and paste the following link into your browser address line: [insert full text of hyperlink]

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